Woad Seeds, dye pots and more or less interesting messes

I’m still collecting Woad seeds. When the one plant that had started going to seed took off I wrapped it in a tomato cage and will continue collecting seeds as long as they appear. Also on the to-do list is to start sending out seed packets to various fellow-dyers.


My idea of an enjoyable weekend: dyed more yarn, Woad and Onion peel pots and made a batch of Plantine and Lavender salve.

0 thoughts on “Woad Seeds, dye pots and more or less interesting messes

  • Jamie, Thank you for your website. Do you grow enough Woad to dye that much wool? looks like pounds of wool. Just went out to water the 2 trees looking wind blown and it started sprinkling!!. Am trying to make room for doing more dying. made a path to old garage cabinet. How do you start the seeds?
    Lynn D
    Feel like taking a bath in the salve, it looks so good! Heard in Ventura county the Master Gardeners are haveing a class in making own “stuff”

    • Didn’t know I was linked-to. That’s a surprise. Guess I’d better watch my spelling and grammar now.

      About the other site. I can’t read it but google translate can. It is Finnish according to gt the first to paragraphs are:
      “Although the composition of the Maya blue is now known, it is still a mystery. How does a plant-based pigment is able to take hundreds of years without fading?

      Indigo is one of the oldest värjäyskasveja. It has a long history, and called the divine color of the color of the devil. It is colored so the value of the kings clothes as all the people, work trousers, jeans.”.

      I’m on a break at work so I have to get back. WIll look up Pincussion flower. I’m curious about that also.

  • Cori Russell says:

    I am just learning about natural dyes and want to gro woad this year. Could you give me any tips? Much thanks! ~Cori

    • There is a Yahoo group for woad growers – which I’ve found helpful. Woad is a weed so it is a pretty hardy plant. I started mine in pots and transferred to the front yard later.

  • Jamie
    how are you doing? Haven’t heard from your blog for awhile.
    wonder if chili or garlic powder works on what ate your plants. I tried rosemary cuttings on the gopher holes and they leave for while.

    • Hi only part of your email came thru (just to My idea of an enjoyable[…])is that where it ended or ?I looked back on your blog but not there.Want to learn how to make my own website, so might ask you later after fix screendoor…LaterLynn D

      Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2013 01:25:45 +0000 To: lynnd555@msn.com

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