[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5bLB2Y5swg?feature=player_embedded]
Tomatomania is a wonderful, mostly tomato (California local) plant sale. Lots of enthusiastic gardeners, more varieties of heirloom and homegrown tomatoes then you can imagine and generally good fun.
My vegetable is so small everything merrily cross pollinates. This event gives me an opportunity to toss in some new varieties.
Tomatoes, Sweet Basil, Strawberry and Ladybugs.
Ladybugs on the loose.
And in the dye garden
What I have right now are mostly pictures of dirt. Not much sprouting yet.
Dirt covered in hardware cloth so small animals (ie.my cats) don’t roll in it, or commit other unspeakable acts on the seedlings.
One project for this year is to see what I can manage with Woad and Weld in container garden.
More dirt and something sprouting.
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dyes4dyeing says:
this is a good post but some thing is missing
jmjamison says:
I checked the tomatomania link and it seems to be working. Wasn’t sure it you ment the the link wasn’t working or the subject wasn’t adequately covered. If the latter, my apologies. This is merely an amateur dye project blog. Hopefully it will improve with practice.
dyes4dyeing says:
you should elaborate the topics clearly