I have family in Nevada. Pahrump, Nevada (southwest USA) to be
precise. Nearest airport is in Las Vegas, and since I drive like a
middle-aged wimp that trip takes longer than it should so I generally just
drive straight out from Los Angeles and get the scenic route along the way.
[Pahrump, Nevada sunset]
The route more or less goes like this: drive out of Los Angeles, California as if
you are going to Las Vegas (think Wooley Wonders at Tropicana and
Pecos), in Baker, California turn left at the Mad Greek, keep going till you get to
Shoshone (still California) turn right, drive untill you cross the California-Nevada border and reach Pahrump. (All this, including lunch at the Mad Greek is 6.5 to 7 hours).
[On the way to Pahrump (Nevada), east of Baker (California).]
[Heading back from Pahrump, between Shoshone and Baker (California).]
If you like the desert, which I do, you can get your fill of it along the way and do not have to experience the general unpleasantness of airports and air travel.

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JimmyBean says:
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A definite great read..Jim Bean
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RobD says:
There is obviously a lot to know about this. There are some good points here. 🙂