TInctures, oils, salves, more plant stuff

(Calendula salve)
As if the house isn’t a big enough mess what with the dye and other messy occupations I’ve been learning to make herbal salves. I’m lucky enough that there is a really knowledgeable herbalist, Julie James/Green Wisdom Herbal Studies who lectures at a local shop, the Green Man. Additionally I’ve learned quite a bit from the HerbMentor site.

(Plantine Salve)

Next to and mixed in my dye garden are a few medicinal herbs and things other people call weeds.  Plantain for example, makes up a good salve.

Rosemary and Lavender tincture.

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Summer Solstice, Woad (hopefully) and Weld

Happy Summer Solstice and all that.  On the garden front the Fennel has begun blooming and I have Woad on the way or at least like to think that I do. Last year I misidentified Weld for Woad. Hopefully I’m growing what I think I’m growing this time around. The Weld did however turn out – a good clear yellow dye – and I swapped Weld for Woad seeds with another dyer I met online.

This should be a Woad plant from last years seed swap.

New Woad and Weld covered with screen to keep the local beasties out.

Weld on the way.

This is the rest of the herb garden – some Calendula, Rosemary, Yarrow poking up in the back, Lavender and Sage. Also tucked in there are Valerian, Vervain and Thyme.

And the garden supervisor.

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