Link to the trailer for A Weaverly Path, the Sylvia Heyden documentary.
Month: August 2011
Woad Seeds
Since last week I started harvesting Woad seeds as they are ready.
Tomato cage wrapped around the plant going to seed – so it doesn’t fall over.
This last year I didn’t process enough Woad to dye more than a pair of socks or gloves and I’m still buying Woad powder along with processing my own.
Next year I’m planning for more plants. More of my neighbors are planting vegetables in their front yards so no one will be surprised by the expanding herb and dye garden.

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Blogs I read: Riihivilla – Dye happening and DIPDAY Värjäripäivät ja DIPDAY
One of my favorite blogs is: Riihivilla, Dyeing with natural dyes. A really wonderful natural dye blog in Finnish and English written by Leena Riihela. I don’t know for sure but I think she may also take the photographs. One of the great things about the internet is being able to see what other dyers are growing, working with, etc.
Recently there was a post that the Finnish Natural Dyer’s Association will be putting on “ first international DIPDAY (Dyeing in Public Day), September 2nd 2011″. I’ve spun, woven and knitted in public but never been to a dye in public event. Sounds fun.
TInctures, oils, salves, more plant stuff
(Calendula salve)
As if the house isn’t a big enough mess what with the dye and other messy occupations I’ve been learning to make herbal salves. I’m lucky enough that there is a really knowledgeable herbalist, Julie James/Green Wisdom Herbal Studies who lectures at a local shop, the Green Man. Additionally I’ve learned quite a bit from the HerbMentor site.
(Plantine Salve)
Next to and mixed in my dye garden are a few medicinal herbs and things other people call weeds. Plantain for example, makes up a good salve.
Rosemary and Lavender tincture.
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